What’s cooking today? Well, I have been cooking a lot of broth inside my head and that has boiled over and is over flowing!!
After my marriage, I have been frequently subjected to this rather standard question every time someone calls - What’s cooking today? Strangely, before my marriage no one asked me what I ate today? Suddenly food becomes the centrifugal topic for discussion.
It seems to be a cliche’d question by women to women. I wonder if men ask each other “what you ate today and how much of it has been digested.” By the way, the "what’s cooking" question does not pertain to men. Now that is a different topic all together and I must remember not to digress the topic towards sexism & stereotypes. I have this innate ability to get carried away
Coming back to the topic. For those who have been initiated recently in to cooking or those who started anew after a life of hibernation, it would be a great question. For a seasoned person who has been in to the craft since many years, it is an irking question. Of course, I have gone through the exhilaration of “food creation is an art” stage. Now, I feel cooking is one of the most mundane activity ever. I am already miffed with “what’s for lunch or dinner today” questions that are asked within the closed doors of the house.
I realize there is nothing else to discuss. The other topics whether politics or current affairs, are already overly discussed and hyped. Then my opinion, do not call!! Speak less frequently. Instead of asking ...

speak only when you have a new topic to discuss. Wait for the weather to change!